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Christine Scott
BOOKING - Phone / (979) 824-3040 - BOOKING - E-mail / graphics2go@hotmail.com
PO Box 1918 - Brazoria, TX 77422


Christine is a gospel singer, songwriter, pianist, author, teacher and graphics artist. Using these gifts God gave her to serve others and sow into their ministries brings her great joy! She sang with Hearts of Grace and Appointed By Grace over the last 23 years and recently launched a solo ministry when God opened more doors than she could have ever dreamed possible. She has shared the gospel singing on cruise ships to front porches, restaurants to hospital rooms. Wherever God leads, she follows and walks steadily in His grace and mercy.

In the summer of 2022, Christine was invited to sign with Grace Records in Nashville and record a new solo CD project. The project is called Bring Him Every Need and is AVAILABLE NOW! There are a variety of songs on this recording... hymns, praise and worship, Southern Gospel and it also includes a song she and her husband, Floyd Scott, wrote called It Will All Be Worth It Someday. He passed away in 2020 and the project is dedicated to his memory.

Several years ago, Christine wrote a Christian fiction book called Apply Within. For seven years she wrote daily devotions on Facebook. Many people do not use Facebook but wanted to read them, so she published 365 devotions in a book called Daily HeartSongs - Volume 1.

My 30+ year ministry consists of sharing music from my heart to encourage you and give praise and honor to my Lord Jesus Christ. I have been recording music for over 40 years and singing for the Lord even longer. It is a blessing and I long to continue serving the Lord through my music, writing books and teaching God’s Word. He gave me my first breath and I’ll give Him my last.

To book Christine at your church event or worship service, contact her at the number listed above or call Roland Hayes with Master’s Plan Ministries at 251-508-6875.


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