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Made by Mercy Ministries
BOOKING - Phone / (903) 714-4067 or (318) 927-1109 - BOOKING - E-mail / davidfowler@madebymercy.com
Official Site - www.madebymercy.com
306 Beardsley Avenue - Homer, LA 71040
Upcoming Concerts
Sat. Feb 15
Not Available
Sun. Feb 16
Not Available
Sat. Feb 22
Not Available
Sun. Feb 23
Not Available
Sat. Mar 1
Not Available
Sun. Mar 2
Not Available


David Fowler and David McKain have been great friends and partners in ministry since 2004, spending seven of those years in David’s Song, a ministry that traveled extensively across Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. They were blessed to see God move in mighty ways and also laughed themselves silly across the thousands of miles on the bus. We are grateful for those beginning years.

Marilyn McKain joined the ministry in June, 2012 when David's Song retired and brought to us new aspects of ministry. She has ministered extensively in East Africa and to ladies groups across the area. Her vocal range and testimonies have blessed crowds everywhere she has traveled. Her love for the word of God has provided a great foundation for her ministry.

Marilyn Calder joined us in the summer of 2020. She has been singing since her childhood and has a strong calling and anointing of God on her life. Trusting Hymn, one of the most popular and anointed groups out of the Dallas / Fort Worth MetroPlex area, was a family group that began in 2000. They spent 20 years traveling on most weekends and Made by Mercy became good friends with the ladies of Trusting Hymn. We shared many services together since meeting them in 2013. Covid-19 changed the plans made to honor their 20 years of ministry and we knew even though Trusting Hymn was retiring Marilyn was not ready to retire from itinerant ministry. After a few months of prayer, she agreed that the will of God was to join our team and we are beyond thrilled to partner with a second Marilyn in presenting this glorious gospel.

Our mission is to present Jesus and His salvation plan for the world. We are from diverse denominational backgrounds (Non-denominational, Southern Baptist, Church of God) but all stand firm on our belief that salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone. We are saved by grace, through faith in Jesus. We lift high the cross and honor the spectrum of lesser doctrine found in the Church.

We hope to see you at a worship concert soon!


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